Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Oh Erin Erin Erin

It happened. I found The One. Erin's smart, cool, calm, hilarious, outlandish, facetious, unapologetic, honest, assertive, vulnerable, childlike, stylish, poised, beautiful, accepting, nurturing, helpful, open-minded, capable, accountable, confident, sexy, down to earth, nice, health conscious, delicious and best of all, she's a rock star with pretty toes. And she's lived 50 yards away from me for the past year, and we'd never seen each other, never met. And now I can't get this sick whackjob or her bloated Maltese out of my house! It's OK, I don't want her to leave. Ever. Some sickening "we're so great" photos to follow. For now, Erin with a smile, Erin in repose, Erin in my pool.